It's the TEA for me!

It's the TEA for me!

A warm hug.

An infectious smile.

A great conversation.

laughter, life & love.

Sharing, caring & support.

Affection, tenderness & intimacy.


I'm talking about TEA!!!

It has an air of superiority! It's unmatched, unparalleled and transcends every race, cultural, nationality, origin, age and creed.

15 minutes a day sipping a cup of tea can assist you in developing yourself from the inside out.


The entire experience of a single cup of tea, from heating the water, connecting with the herbs as you place them in your cup/kettle, to smelling the aroma as the steam rises, and finally taking your first sip.

Awareness, Reconnection, Mindfulness, Solitude & Relaxation, that's what I call PRESENCE.

No one can develop without a sense of Presence.

When you make a cup of get the quality time you need to open yourself up to receive the gift of physical touch that awakens your soul with words of affirmation and that's the ultimate act of service.

T E A!

Unmatched & unparalleled because it speaks every language & exudes love.

Just add water and start living your best life!

Get You Some!

To good health, hydration & happiness!

Cassandra Spearman

Owner of Tea Snob

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1 comment

I love it! I was imaging myself making a cup of tea while reading!💛


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